######### Reference ######### AVAPI is a simple python wrapper for the Alpha Vantage API. AVAPI has one module: ``avapi.data``. It handles getting and manipulating data from Alpha Vantage. | ================ Getting the data ================ .. role:: python(code) :language: python If :python:`csv=True`, a csv file will be saved in current working directory. Otherwise, ``avapi.data.get_data()`` will return a dictionary of Alpha Vantage data. | .. autofunction:: avapi.get_data | ========================================= Converting dictionary to pandas.DataFrame ========================================= When ``avapi.get_data(csv=False)`` downloads data, it converts the Alpha Vantage server response from ``json`` to python ``dict``. If the data type is a time series, ``avapi.to_df()`` can then convert it to a Pandas data frame. | .. autofunction:: avapi.to_df | ================== Unexpected results ================== When you get unexpected results, you might want to check out the latest raw response from the Alpha Vantage server. | .. autofunction:: avapi.response